Chapter 358
Evangeline, Emily, Sayaka, and even Rachel looked at the screen confused as to what happened . Richter, on the other hand, was not convinced, he immediately used a machine to scan the room . After a thorough scan of the bodies, it was clear that their heart had stopped beating . When Richter got his confirmation, he couldn’t help but smile .
The girls who were tied up and forced to watch saw the result of the scan had different reactions . Evangeline was confused, Emily was in a state of shock, Sayaka had a look of hatred, while Rachel had a very complicated expression on her face . She didn’t know what to feel, Alex told her of a plan, but this wasn’t that plan .
Alex simply said he would fight the others, but drag it out until both sides could no longer fight to force a draw . Afterwards Richter would probably stop the match, and wait for them to get back in shape . He would continue to do this until a winner emerges, or he could get bored and simply kill everyone . Either way, that plan would’ve given the group some time to think of a way to escape . Yet now Alex did the unexpected and actually killed his friends .
Sayaka looked at Rachel and wanted to get angry at her, but then she saw her best friend crying . Seeing her like that made Sayaka realized that even she didn’t know that Alex really planned to kill the others .
Emily was still in a dazed state as if her soul was no longer within her body . Kei, her beloved Kei was actually killed, and the person who killed him was Alex the person she respected the most . A torrent of feelings had assaulted her, but the feelings that resonated strongly within her were the feelings of anger and despair .
Evangeline was also in a daze, as she was confused as to what had happened . Before they were brought here, Evangeline and the others were gathered in one single, the room where Rachel explained Alex’s plan . Yet what was happening now wasn’t even remotely near Alex’s plan . Did the Alex that she knew off change . What happened in that one year they were apart .
Richter who saw the different expressions of the girls felt a bit happy . This meant even they weren’t expecting this to happen, which made the deaths of the three boys even more real . While Richter was feeling happy by the turn of events, he heard Alex’s voice through the speakers .
"I see . . . You were right grandfather, these people could never be my friends . " The cocky smile on Alex’s face could no longer be seen, and at this moment he reverted back to his stoic look . In fact, he looked even more emotionless than before . "They were weak therefore they died . . . " Alex sighed before looking at the camera . placed within the room . "Grandfather I wish to speak with you . "
"Very well my grandson," Richter called for Leon and asked him to escort Alex to his room .
. . .
Alex was following Leon silently, while Leon felt something was amiss . "Alex, why did you bring those dead bodies? You even brought their weapons . "
"Hmm, even though they weren’t worthy of being my friends, they were still my friends . I simply wish to bury them alongside their weapons, nothing more, nothing less . " Alex said those lines without any hint of emotion, right now to Leon, Alex felt like a ghost .
When the two arrived in Richter’s room, Alex noticed that the girls were glaring at him, Sayaka was even emitting a large amount of bloodlust, but that didn’t bother Alex at all . Richter, on the other hand, was curious about the dead bodies Alex was carrying and asked the same question as Leon . Of course, Alex gave the same answer he gave Leon .
"I see . . . So Alex tell me what is it that you want to talk about? I assume you want something from me, tell me what is it you desire?"
"Before we start talking I want to do something . " Alex approached the girls and placed the dead body of his friends on their laps . Alex placed Niel on Evangeline’s lap, Oliver on Sayaka’s, Kei on Emily’s and he looked at Rachel with those emotionless eyes of his . Rachel who was looking at him wanted to hear his reason for doing this, but Alex didn’t say anything and turned around .
Evangeline looked at Niel the person who supported her love and wanted to cry . The once confident, radiant senior of hers was now dead, and the one who killed him was the man she loved ever so dearly .
Emily who didn’t believe what she saw through the monitors, was now looking at Kei’s dead body . She wanted to deny what she was seeing, she didn’t want it to be true, yet here he was no longer there to fool around with her . She just became his girlfriend, she wanted to do lots and lots of fun things with him, but now he could no longer do anything with her . Emily didn’t notice but tears were already rolling down her face .
Sayaka who saw Oliver’s dead body was full of rage and sorrow . After her father died, Sir Lyner died, and now Oliver was gone . All the important men in her life were leaving her behind . There were a lot of things she wanted to tell Oliver . . . She even dreamt of becoming his wife someday, where she and he could smile happily, while raising their children . She had a dream that her children and her friends’ children would become best buddies, and they would go to school, have the same antics as she and her friends once had . Yet now all of those things will never happen . At this point rage, hatred, and despair were boiling up within Sayaka . She would never forgive the Shadow Mercenaries for doing this, but the person she really wanted to drag to hell was the person her loved one considered his best friend .
’Alex no matter your reasons I will never forgive you!’ Sayaka glared angrily at Alex .