Chapter 327  

Richter was quite amused by the way Rachel was attacking . Unlike her father who lived by the philosophy of one hit one kill, Rachel knew how to keep a chain of attacks going . It was obvious that she had another person teach her this, which she then implemented into her own martial arts . In pure power and speed alone Rachel wasn’t at the same level as her father Dan, but in the technique department she has her father beat . This wasn’t because Dan couldn’t create proper combination moves, he created some, but ultimately he never truly improved them to be able to be used in proper combat, as he was focused in creating a martial art that needed only one attack to win . Rachel on the other hand used what Arthur Glory taught her, and mend them into her father’s combination moves, thus creating a style of her own .

A minute passed by and not once was Rachel able to hit Richter after that one time at the beginning . She noticed how calm the old man was being, as she barraged him with life threatening punches and kicks . His calm demeanour made her think that the old man was not of the same type as her teacher Lyner, who loved to battle and got excited while fighting .

Yet their strength was similar as they were both went beyond human capabilities . Rachel was now fighting beyond her limit, while the opposing side was treating it as nothing more than a simple breeze .

She only had around three and a half minutes left, until the backlash assaults her . Rachel gritted her teeth and concentrated even harder as she tried to hit Richter . She already guessed that beating Richter by herself was near impossible, but hitting him wasn’t, as proven by her earlier attack .

At this point Rachel discarded her anger, and instead went into a state that was similar to the void state . Rachel was so concentrated in her goal of hitting Richter, that at this moment, she had discarded everything, her fate, her thoughts, her fears, her heart . She discarded it all as she focused her everything into hitting Richter .

. . .


Richter then saw the light in Rachel’s eyes seem to become a bit darker, her eyes almost resembled Alex’s that one time . It was at that moment Richter suddenly barely dodged one of Rachel’s kicks . The kick simply nicked him a bit, but it was enough to rip a bit of his uniform . That was when Richter noticed that Rachel’s moves became sharper . It was as if she discarded all excessive movements in favor of the more simpler ones .

He was amazed at how much growth Rachel had in just a minute or two . She even did it while fighting him, though throughout the whole fight he never hit her, nor tried to counter . Since Richter knew the moment he attacked, Rachel would fall . Seeing as he wanted to see how much Rachel can do, this was the exact scenario he wished to see .

To him this whole fight was nothing more than him playing around with his future in-law .

. . .

Even though Rachel’s speed didn’t change, she was now able to somehow make Richter actually take her a bit seriously . There were two reasons for this . One her movements have become more direct and she no longer lagged in thinking about what to do next, so her punches and kicks had less intervals . Second she no longer telegraphed her attacks by looking at her targeted area . Before she entered this state, Rachel had the bad habit of looking at what she was about to hit, before hitting it . Even though she only looked at it for a fraction of a second, that was enough for Richter to notice her intent . Yet now that weakness wasn’t there, so Richter needed to dodge the attacks as they were coming, since Rachel’s body language doesn’t betray her intentions .

After the four minute mark passed, and Rachel had only one more minute in using full RELEASE, Richter finally felt danger . Richter was forced to evade Rachel by distancing himself from her . When Richter saw what he did, he couldn’t help but smile a bit .


’I see, you are a bit worthy to bear the child of a Greyhound . My grandson did choose well in picking a mate . Now that we had our little fun, I guess it’s time for a nap . ’

Richter who was passively dodging Rachel’s attacks, suddenly bursted forward to attack . Rachel who was in a state of void wasn’t surprised by this and instead of defending she initiated her own attack . Richter seeing this smiled, her choice was the right one . If she were fighting anyone else, then the opponent knowing her power would try and dodge . Yet that wasn’t what Richter did, instead he went deeper into her attack range .

Richter’s left hand was punched making it bend in a very weird way . This was all within Richter’s expectations since he was already planning to sacrifice that one arm to get near Rachel . Once he got near enough, Richter kicked Rachel in the gut, but because of her current state of being in full RELEASE this wasn’t enough to stop Rachel . Richter already knew that, so the moment he kicked her pushing her upward a bit, Richter slipped to the side and did a a 360 spin going upward, and hit Rachel from above, making her fall into the hard floor . When Rachel’s body hit the floor it made a loud booming sound, and the floor that was reinforced with the current technology of the Shadow Mercenaries had a little dent in it .

Still even with that move Rachel was still conscious, Richter who saw that, continued his attack . After a few more strikes from Richter, Rachel even in her full RELEASE state was beaten into unconsciousness . Once that was done, Richter looked at Rachel in approval, her tenacity was incredible . That’s when Richter noticed something weird going on with Rachel’s body . He did a quick check on her and was surprised on what he found out .

’Her RELEASE technique is different from her father’s and what Lyner used that one time . Her technique is a double edge sword that could possibly make her into a cripple . If she continues to use her version of RELEASE she might really become disabled . . . Well it doesn’t really matter if she’s disabled or not, seeing as all she’s good for is making the next generation . Though Seeing her performance, I’m quite curious with the other girl who also likes my grandson . ’

’Based on the reports about her, and how she was able to capture Drake . I can see that she’s more of a commander type, which is different from this little girl who’s more like a front line soldier . Rachel Regius has the physical abilities, while Evangeline Kain has the intellectual abilities . I wonder which of them is a better fit for my grandson . ’

While Richter was musing about the possibilities of both women, he called for some subordinates, and told them to bring Rachel into a more heavily fortified room . A room that was similar to Alex’s, seeing how strong she is, that kind of security is what she needs . If they kept her in any other place, she might breakout with sheer physical force .
