Chapter 1093 Become a sexy, flirty, teen dream for Alan  Current Patreon Members:

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Katherine finally decided to take the plunge and say what she'd beenmeaning to say. "Getting back to what I was saying before, yeah, some ofmy friends not only have submissive fantasies, but they actually get toact those fantasies out. Especially the ones who are lucky enough tohave sex with Alan. He does all kinds of stuff; he instinctively knowsexactly what each girl wants. Or I should say, what she needs. If a girlneeds to be spanked, he can see that right away, like it's written onher face. If you were to become one of his sexual helpers, I'll bet he'dhave you naked and bound in no time."


Christine's eyes looked like they would pop right out of herface. Her nipples were already quite hard, but they seemed to visiblygrow even longer after Katherine said that. Her pussy was lubricatingfreely and she didn't try to fight it. But she still held back fromcompletely admitting what she wanted, even to herself.action

She said, "Wow. Well, that's interesting, Katherine, butthere's a big difference between fantasies and reality. If I was everwith him, you know, in that way, and that's a big if! A huge IF! But if Iwas, I'd be perfectly happy with the vanilla stuff. These are justdreams I'm having. More like nightmares, really. I'll be damned if I'dlet anyone treat me like that in real life. If they tried it they'd bein a world of hurt. I'm not some kind of pervert! Oops, no offense!" Inan embarrassed whisper she asked, "Have you ever done that, uh, kind ofthing, for real?"

"Me? I wish, but no. I think the only guy in this school whowould really act out fantasies like that is Alan, and of course he's mybrother. When I hear some of the things he does with other girls though,I'm amazed. But they all love it." She was trying to build up Alan'ssex appeal at every opportunity.

Christine was downcast all of a sudden again. "Whatever it ishe'd do to me, I'm sure it would be great. But I've already given it mybest shot to get him interested. I've laid it all on the line, and hewasn't interested. Not even slightly."

With an uncertain face, she looked imploringly at Katherineand asked, "Is there something wrong with me? Do you think, well, do youthink that someone like me could... um... Is it my personality?" Shelooked down at the floor in embarrassment. Again, her lack of sexualself-confidence was apparent.

Katherine could see her intended meaning. "You're asking do Ithink he'd find you attractive enough? The answer is: certainly! Heasked you out for real less than two months ago; I'm sure I don't needto remind you of that. You were the FIRST girl he asked out, ever! He'sbeen moony for you for ages. Of course Alan has extremely, extremely,EXTREMELY high standards these days. Word has gotten around lately thathe's a sensitive guy who nonetheless screws like Superman in heat, so alot of girls have been throwing themselves at him and he's turned nearlyall of them down."


"I was such a fool!" Christine blurted out. She recalledbitterly how she'd rejected Alan's date invitation a couple of monthsearlier, in part because of selfish concerns about his low socialstatus. Now he had become quite possibly the top catch in the school, aswell as the only guy she really liked, and she'd thrown that all away.

Katherine ignored Christine's outburst and continued, "Forhim to be interested in a girl, she's got to have an incredibly fit bodyand jaw-droppingly stunning face. But that's not enough. The main thingfor him is breast size. E-cups at the very least. People call meattractive, but even I could never come close to meeting his bareminimum requirements, since these barely qualify as D-cups." She lookeddown at her chest sadly.Katherine hoped this fib would go a long way towardsdeterring Christine from having any suspicions of incest. She added,"You, on the other hand, you have everything he desires in a woman'sbody. Since you're one of the few to qualify, that means you don't havemuch competition. The only problem, from what I understand, is he needsto get over some emotional issues, for instance a fear that he couldfind himself so attracted to you that it could hurt his relationshipwith Amy. But I can help with that and smooth everything over, if youwant me to."

"Oh yes!" Christine replied eagerly. Then realizing she'dbeen far too eager, she added with pretended detachment, "That is, ifit's not too much trouble."

"No trouble at all! I can bend his ear and Amy's too. In themeantime, you need to go all out to make yourself completelyirresistible to him. Maybe if you just dress a little more to showoff..."

"You think?" Christine hefted up her boobs as if inspectingthem for the first time. She looked down at them with a puzzledexpression, as if wondering what the big deal was with those twobothersome blobs of flesh.

In her opinion, having a big rack was nothing but trouble.She got attention from guys, yes, but the wrong kind of attention fromthe wrong kind of guys, the ones who only saw her as a piece of meat.Other girls were both intimidated by and jealous of her outrageousendowment. Her heavy breasts caused her back pain and got in the way ofher sports and martial arts training. She went to great lengths to coverthem up and de-emphasize them, but they were so big that she was nevercompletely successful in doing that. Guys very literally couldn't seemto look past them. She'd even caught her own father stealing a glance ortwo at her cleavage, which disgusted her to no end. Given a choice, shewould have preferred to be svelte and trim rather than so curvaceousand buxom.

"I guess they are sorta big," she muttered. "But apparently they aren't enough for his tastes. Alan hardly looks at me..."

However, Katherine was mentally on a completely differentplanet. Seeing Christine heft her F-cups like that, she was immediatelytransported into a fantasy where Christine was wearing the "Alanuniform" - naked except for high heels. In her fantasy Christine was afull member of Alan's harem and was raising her boobs for hisinspection.

In Katherine's daydream Christine said, "Master, please,don't you like them? Now all you do, it seems, is fuck Kat all day long,while my tits grow so lonely and unloved. Please, Master, fuck themhard! Shove your long pole right through my cleavage and into my mouth!I've been dreaming about your sweet taste all night; it's all I canthink of!"

In Katherine's fantasy Christine continued to plead, "Orif you've cum too many times today, how about you, Mistress Kat? Can Ioffer them, and the rest of my horny body, for your pleasure? I knowthese things don't measure up to your remarkable G-cups ever since youstarted lactating for the baby, but still, they're here for you tosqueeze and suck on! ... Can't I at least lick Alan's stiffness togetherwith you and Amy? You know how Amy's mother always says that threetongues at once are best. Alan, don't neglect your Number Five FuckToy!"

Katherine was so turned on by this fantasy of having accessto Christine's body as part of Alan's harem (though in the dream it wasmore like Alan and Katherine's harem), that she practically had toprevent herself from drooling openly. It confirmed for her that herdecision on how to deal with Christine, based on what she'd learnedthanks to her lucky Wonder Woman guess, was the right choice.

But outwardly she showed little sign of her debaucheddaydreams. She replied fairly quickly and decisively, "I know I'm rightabout this. Let's get together and talk fashion soon. That'll be fun.But as I was saying, Alan has quite a few amazing and completely devotedlovers. He's had a few one night stands, but most of the time, if thewoman passes his standards, like you definitely do, he likes to pleasethem on a regular basis."

Christine was wowed. "God, you make it practically sound like he has a harem or something."

Katherine was going to say more in her enthusiasm for herbrother's sexual skills, but that comment made her realize that she'dprobably said way too much already. She hadn't meant to all but say herbrother had a harem. Furthermore, she realized she had to be careful notto give away her own incestuous feelings. She hoped that her"possessive" cover story could help cover any small mistakes she mightmake in the future in that regard. She stammered, "Yeah, well... Peopledo joke, but you know..."

But Christine was so worked up that she hardly paid attentionto that. She just asked with curiosity, "Really? I mean, do youthink... Well, this sounds kind of outrageous, but is it possible that Imight really be one of Alan's helpers? Wouldn't Amy mind, particularlyif he had sex with me a lot?"

But as soon as those words came out of her lips, she backedoff from them. "Oh my God. What am I saying? How absurd! The very idea,it's so demeaning. The whole school would be scandalized and think thatI'm some kind of... And my parents. God, my parents would FREAK!Sometimes I think that's what I want but I really shouldn't. Pleaseforget I asked that!"

However, Katherine decided to ignore Christine'sreservations. She figured that if she'd made it this far without gettingpunched or slapped, she might as well try to open Christine up more tothe idea of sharing Alan, with the ultimate goal of having her accept aplace in his harem.

To be truthful, Alan hadn't asked her to do that. In fact,he'd adamantly denied wanting Christine at all the night before. ButKatherine assumed he'd think differently if he knew of the clever schemethat had all but fallen into her lap, thanks to Christine's unexpectedrevelations.She decided not to tell Alan about any of it just yet,though. She figured he'd enjoy and appreciate it more if she couldpresent a submissive Christine begging to be royally fucked as a donedeal. She considered giving him surprises like that to be part of herrole as an "uppity" sex slave and fuck toy. She should know her master'sheart better than he did, and know when his "no" really meant "yes" andvice versa.

So she said, "Don't worry. As one of his helpers, he'll havesex with you so much that it'll be like he's your boyfriend and thensome. He's incredibly virile, you know. At least, that's what they allsay. I'm sure it won't be a one time deal either, not with the way hefeels about you. As his sister, I saw him pining away for you for solong that it was practically embarrassing. When you rejected him sothoroughly, he was so crushed about it that he turned to Amy and shewelcomed him with open arms. It's true that I helped them get together,but it probably would have happened anyways. But you were the one hewanted first. You, and at that time only you."

Christine was torn, but really she was playing devil'sadvocate to her own feelings. She wanted Katherine to sell her on theidea of being a "helper" to help put her own doubts to rest. She said,"I don't know..."

Katherine could sense what Christine wanted and said withgreat enthusiasm, "The thing is, he's so sexually insatiable, yet at thesame time he has such a big heart! Haven't you heard of people playingthe field before they announce they're ready to go steady? Well, Alan'skind of like that except he's sort of playing the field and going steadywith Amy at the same time. He has so much love to give, in more waysthan one, that Amy knows that he's too much for her to handle alone. Ashis sister, living just down the hall from him, I'm totally amazed atthe women I've seen come and go from his room these past two months. Yeteach one has left completely satisfied in every way. Their bodies ANDtheir hearts, completely satiated. He's just such a nice, sensitive guy!You couldn't pick a better man on Earth to be your first lover. I knowhe'll make it a memory to last a lifetime."

"Hmmm." Christine was still torn between being morallyoutraged and being sexually intrigued. When it came to sexual mattersher complete inexperience repeatedly caused her to get cold feet. Shemade the vague statement, "You have to admit, it's a damnably oddsituation. And I find it even stranger talking it over with you, hissister. But let's just say, totally hypothetically, that I did becomeone of his so-called helpers. What if Amy and I wanted to be with him atthe same time?"

Katherine looked at the signs of Christine's high arousal anddecided to take a risk. The true answer was that Amy would come beforeChristine in that kind of situation. But rather than admit that, sheleaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, "Let's just say Alan canhandle anything. Two at once is not a problem. It's one of the reasonsthat Amy doesn't mind sharing."

Christine's mouth dropped open and stayed that way. She was beyond scandalized, again. She thought, Isshe saying what I think she's saying?! Do all of his helpers share him?How does one boy even have sex with more than one girl at a time? True,I could see more than one hand or tongue on him at a time... My God!That's just so... sinful! Naughty! Would I have to do that?

Would he force me to? Would I even have to do things withAmy? With other helpers?! That's so wrong that it's probably a sin justthinking about it. I really need to know what I'm getting into here. Butit's so embarrassing to bring that up. What if they all have sextogether in some kind of depraved, giant orgy?! How am I supposed to askabout that?

I just want him to take my virginity, that's all. Really!I'm really not looking to become some kind of, well, I don't know whatto call it. Depraved, sex-mad slut? This new Alan is so sexuallyoverpowering that it scares me. What if I lose all control and let himturn me into some kind of sex pet, like what happens in too many of mydreams lately? If I have a lick of smarts left I need to steer clear ofhim altogether. That's what I should do. Definitely!

However, her body betrayed her thoughts as her arousalsteadily increased. In particular, the idea of being forced to shareAlan's erection turned her on more than she could admit even to herself.She vividly imagined herself and Amy sucking and licking his erectionat the same time, their mouths nearly touching in the process. The ideaof sharing also reinforced her growing belief that he was so virile thatone woman alone wouldn't be enough to satisfy him.

Katherine again realized that her comments had come too closeto exposing her incestuous feelings and her place in Alan's harem, soshe was quick to keep the conversation moving. "But don't worry aboutthat now. The important thing is that you need to convince him to makeyou a woman, fully and completely. That's going to take some work.You'll need to stay your same self for everyone else, but become a sexy,flirty, teen dream for him."

Christine volunteered, "There's some good news there. On thenon-romantic dates I've been having with him, we've been practicingflirting and I'm getting the hang of it." Suddenly she was reminded ofKatherine's spying on their latest date. She added in a chagrined andirritated voice, "But you know that already, don't you?" She was amazedat how much their conversation had evolved since Katherine's confessionof spying.

Katherine quickly responded, "Sorry. But I promise I'll makeit up to you, big time! One thing I want to do is give you a makeover.You should keep your sexually innocent aura going, yet at the same timecome across to him as sexually knowing."

Christine was so excited that she was unusually quick toforgive. She said, "There's more good news on that, too. The other daya, uh, friend, helped me pick out some kind of 'sex for dummies' books.I've been reading them off and on at night, after doing my homeworkassignments, and learning a lot."

Katherine replied, "Good. That's a great start. But you can'tlearn everything from books." She suddenly had a vision of Christinepracticing cocksucking on a banana and then doing the real thing betweenAlan's legs. It got her very sexually excited.

She realized that she was already thinking of Christine asone of the group instead of an external threat. As a result, she foundher jealousy had suddenly greatly decreased, though not disappearedaltogether. As she thought about that, she had to remind herself that itwas far too early to let herself feel that way. She further had toremember that Christine was still dangerous and the plan to get her tochange was still just that: only a plan.

She continued, "This could be fun! I can help you undergo asecret transformation. I say secret because at school I have arespectable reputation and look; you've seen how I dress." She waved ahand over her clothes. "Very respectable. But when I go out on a datewith the right guy, I can be a wanton sex kitten. The key is findingguys like Alan who are completely discreet. If you're smart, you canmaintain your reputation and status at school while fulfilling yourevery sexual fantasy in private."

She went on, "And you know what? I'll bet I can get Amy tohelp out since she's my best friend. After all, I'm hardly the right oneto ask about all the details of what he does in bed and how he does it.As his sister, my position is a bit awkward on this, all around. It'smuch better for you to talk about certain things with Amy. She can giveyou the inside scoop and tell you exactly what he's like in bed. Latelyshe's clammed up about Alan and his incredible sexual prowess, becausethat's led to trouble with the football players, among others. But if Iask her, I'm sure she'll make an exception and talk to you."

The words "incredible sexual prowess" rolled aroundChristine's brain. If Alan was simply too much for one woman to handlealone, that could give her an excuse to avoid being morally offended bythe situation, allowing her to have sex with him even as he dated Amy.Yet at the same time she found the whole idea of him being that sexuallydemanding extremely arousing (probably because they played into hernighttime fantasies).

She was about to ask who Alan's other girlfriends were, buthearing the words "football players" reminded her to scan the hallsagain. This time, she saw two people just as they got to the top of thestairs and came into view.
