Although her attention was elsewhere, Dee idly noted that some of the guards in charge of protecting the palace seemed to be able to resist the dominating aspect of her Domain, even if they could not use their full strength due to the suppression. This was not altogether strange as much of the pure domination effect was mental instead of a physical force pushing them to their knees. These were guards that served another master with a certain level of conviction, and it was also their duty to protect that master against external threats with their lives. Currently Dee and Eilian seemed fairly threatening, so the fact that they were less likely to be affected by Dee’s domination was understandable. It was also a fact that Dee still had a lot of room to improve this aspect of herself.

Some of the guards that managed to shake off a part of the effect and started to rise were quickly pushed down by Dee’s invisible hands, and a glowing weapon made of psionic energy floated in front of their faces. “I wouldn’t if I were you.” Dee said, her advice rather genuine, even if it didn’t quite feel like it in this situation. She didn’t really have anything against these guards and would rather not hurt them if, assuming it didn’t inconvenience her too much to avoid doing so.

“Well, this is a rather hostile way to present yourselves to the court.” Artenia gathered herself and regained some of her more regal bearing.

“Present ourselves to the court, is it?” Eilian repeated with a slight chuckle. “Surely you didn’t expect us to kneel? Or gods forbid, recognize you as having any supremacy over us?” Dee was interested in seeing where this was going so she just allowed Eilian to run with it. It looked like things were taking an interesting turn anyway.

“Even as a wanted criminal and a traitor, you are still a subject to the queen of the Winter Court.” Artenia stated calmly.

“Unfortunately for you, that is not quite true. I’m a member of a different community now, and as much as the Sidhe enjoy their games of royalty, not all Unseelie are under your rule. Only those that are part of your community. As for the criminal and traitor part? Well, I suppose we both know the truth of that.” Eilian retorted with a sharp tone.

“Such arguments about your treachery are a bit pointless considering you come here in the company of the person who killed the Tree of Life.” Artenia pointed out. That brought a bit of restless movement from the people still kneeling on the floor. “And as for being a member of another community, that may be. But that just makes your hostile actions even more blatant. Any normal community would approach us more diplomatically. This feels more like a declaration of war.”


Eilian burst out in laughter. “Oh, but here’s the thing. Diplomatic niceties are for the times when two equals negotiate. When one side is clearly stronger, they dictate their will and the other side has to deal with it. Such is the case here as well.”

Eilian could have tried to argue that it was, in fact, Artenia who had allied with Dee to attack the Tree of Life and shake her sister’s claim to the throne by sowing discord. However, there were several reasons she decided against it. Firstly, she didn’t actually care if her sister was on the throne. If her sister was happy being the queen, then so be it. Eilian certainly didn’t want the throne for herself, so her sister might as well have it. Additionally, sowing discord would only hurt the Sidhe. She didn’t have a grudge against her people or any reason to cause them harm. Secondly, she knew the great houses were already informed on what went down with the Tree of Life and Noyala’s subsequent coronation as the current Queen Artenia. They didn’t really care, or they would have done something about it already. Instead, it was seen as a well-played scheme by the queen. They had chosen a ruler, and while it would be embarrassing to have their lies and machinations in the public view, it would not change anything. Thirdly, and most importantly, Eilian really was allied with Dee now and was not in any way ashamed of that fact. She didn’t feel the need to defend herself against that accusation.

“And you have come to dictate the will of someone to us then?” Artenia asked with an incredulous tone. “Do tell. Who is behind you giving you such power? The Sidhe are not the type to give in easily.”

“That would be the case if the issue was about subjugating you or making unreasonable demands. However, the thing is that your little antics for personal gains have become a point of contention with a party much more powerful than you. Tell me, how willing are ‘the Sidhe’ to stand against a second circle community just because of your personal grudges?” Eilian’s words were not entirely wrong, though she did present things in a light that was very unflattering for Artenia.

It wasn’t just Artenia’s personal wishes that a bounty was placed on Dee. In fact, the Summer Court had more to do with it. However, Eilian’s addition as to the list as a wanted person was done by the new queen, and she also had the power to revoke both bounties. In the beginning the Summer Court would have argued against it, but as the truth behind the Tree of Life’s corruption came to light, their stance also softened on the issue. If the Queen of the Unseelie asked for it, the bounty would be removed.

Artenia noted that Eilian was steering the conversation a certain way on purpose. Making it personal gave her the excuse to deal with it personally instead of airing everything here in front of the court. The words about a second circle community had also shocked the court and that shock could prove useful later on if they had to abide by Eilian’s wishes. “If that is how you feel, then this is hardly the place for such negotiations. Come with me to somewhere a bit more private. And Dee, do me a favor and release my guards. You’re making them jumpy. They've gotten the point already.”


Dee released the suppressing force with a small grin. The people around her were still frozen in place, but now due to their own volition as they didn’t know how to react. The guards circled the queen protectively, but Artenia shooed them away, back to their other duties. She knew Dee could have killed her secretly if she really wanted to, so she only took along a pair of the more senior guards and led Dee and Eilian out of the ballroom.

They didn’t have to walk further than down a corridor and past a few doors before they reached a rather standard sitting room. This was something used for private meetings and certainly not an office. One of the guards remained outside to discourage anyone from approaching in hopes of overhearing something. As soon as they entered the room, Artenia stepped close to Dee to give a small hug, which Dee returned after hesitating a bit. A hesitation that didn’t go unnoticed by anyone present.

“Despite everything, it’s good to see you Dee.” Artenia said as she let go and stepped away. “You seem ok. Much stronger than before as well. I know you gain power fast, but isn’t this a bit excessive?”

“You know me.” Dee replied with a small smile. Whether Dee knew her in turn was another matter. “Can’t stop until I reach the top.” She didn’t truly trust the other woman anymore, but they had been close before.

“How are the Four Winds? In the second circle judging by what Eilian said. The recent turbulence there must have gone in your favor.” Artenia asked, making polite conversation. She wanted this meeting to be on more amicable terms than the one in front of the court. There was less need to keep up a front here.

“It’s Five Winds now actually. It might become Six Winds or even Seven Winds at some point. The situation is still in a bit of a flux, so the rankings haven’t settled down. You should get more information soon as things quiet down a bit more.” Dee explained simply, mentioning things that would be public knowledge soon anyway. She was being careful around Artenia.

The other side noticed this once again and gave a sigh. “I suppose I deserve that cold treatment.”

“You made a choice.” Eilian stated with a cold voice. “You threw away both me and her for political expediency, though I suppose our relationship had gone sour much before that. Just having her delay me back then was quite enough for your purposes. I wasn’t actually even going to contest you for the throne afterwards. To send people to hunt and kill us and putting a bounty on us was excessive and only served to make things easier for you. Like I said, you had a choice and you made that choice.” She was getting angry at her sister for some reason. She had not been this angry when they had been betrayed, but now it irked her much more for some reason.

“And you agree?” Artenia asked, looking at Dee. “Are you here for revenge then?”

“I agree that you did make a choice. Our feelings back then were a bit ambiguous, and you made a clean break.” Dee stated with a sense of calm washing over her. She knew now why she was here. Before this, she had not been certain. “As to why I’m here, there are several reasons. Revenge…isn’t really one of them. Your choice also helped me make a choice and figure out something important.” Dee had realized the form of her totem thanks to Noyala’s betrayal.

“So why are you here?” Artenia asked. She had some idea but wanted to make sure anyway.

“First of all, we are here to have the bounty removed. Like Eilian said before, it’s become a little irksome. It’s also pointless. The only bounty hunters that would be foolish enough to try are those that don’t know better. That doesn’t mean no one will try, however. It’s also a bit of a reputation issue to have a bounty placed on a prominent member of a second circle community by a much weaker community like yours. Other communities will think we are soft if we do not deal with it. I’m also here to say goodbye. You are a part of the past I’m leaving behind.”

‘One of the last things remaining of my childhood.’ Dee also thought to herself.

“So this is the last time we meet then?” Artenia asked, her tone turning a little emotional, though not even she knew what emotions she was feeling.

Eilian jumped in at this point. She felt that her sister was still making a play by using emotions. She was not entirely sure of the goals of that play. Maybe she was just trying to leave a mark on Dee’s heart. “No. You don’t get an emotional goodbye. You made your choice, the throne above family and loved ones, and now you have to deal with it. We also made our own choices. I dare say I came out ahead.”

This whole situation was making Eilian irrationally angry for some reason. She got up from her chair and marched to Dee and suddenly planted a kiss on her lips. Dee in turn froze at that action. ‘What the heck is going on now?’ Was the extent of what was going through her head. Then it turned into: ‘Well, I may not know where this is going, but it’s pleasant so let’s just go with it.’ She proceeded to kiss back rather energetically, which in turn caught Eilian by surprise and the whole kiss went on for longer than she had originally planned.

The two finally separated with a small cough from Eilian. “So, you see, you chose power over all else. I chose happiness.” Eilian stated a little less firmly than she had planned. This was supposed to be a statement of sorts to shake things. Maybe her sister might end up leaning a bit more towards happiness in the future, and maybe Dee would be able to leave her sister behind without getting entangled by old emotions. As for herself? Well, despite being willing to hand over the throne to Artenia, she still had some competitive spirit in her when it came to her sister. It would be nice to show she had won in something important. The kiss had been somewhat impulsive, as had this whole plan since entering the palace, but it had seemed like a good idea. At the time at least.

“I see. I’m not sure if this is a healthy way for us to say goodbye if you simply traded me for my twin, but suit yourself.” Artenia wasn’t sure how to feel about the whole thing. She had separated with Dee in a rather nasty way, though partially because the two had really developed feelings for each other. Seeing her sister claim happiness and kiss Dee was not easy, but it was just another method of cutting ties. Suddenly she felt that there was no point in stretching things out. If the other side wanted to end things, then so be it. “You can consider the bounty revoked. It will take a few days, but I will see it done. Goodbye Dee and sister.” Her voice took a little more acrid tone with the word ‘sister’ than she had meant.

Just before Dee exited the room, Artenia stopped her hesitantly. She looked at Dee’s wing as if posing a request. “Could I have one of the feathers? As a memento? Despite everything, if we are fated to never meet, I’d like something to remember you by.”

Dee looked at Artenia for a short moment before plucking one of the smaller black feathers. Another one immediately grew in its place. Before handing it to Artenia, she summoned the black flames within her to surround the feather. For some reason, the feeling of wrongness was much lesser than usual, and the black flames surrounded the feather without damaging it. Dee wasn’t entirely sure how she knew to do this but suspected it was some innate knowledge that came with the ability. The black flames also had the power to purify and remove foreign magic. In this case Dee used it to remove any connection the feather had with her. Normally the feather would still be hers even if removed, and some magic could be applied to the feather to search for her location or to spy on her. Now the feather was just that, a black feather without a previous owner, as the connection with her was cut.

“Goodbye Noyala.” Dee uttered, using the old name she had known the other woman by. She floated the feather over and turned to leave, never to return.


The two were leaving the palace peacefully. The guard had escorted them to the courtyard but didn’t bother following further. If the two wanted to do something besides leaving, there was nothing he could do about it anyway. Dee was still a little stunned about what had happened. She still had a question or two for Artenia, but those didn’t really matter anymore in the grand scheme of things.

“So…” Eilian suddenly said a little gingerly.

“I can see why you went straight for that strawberry tart when it was offered. The taste was kind of great, even if I only got to try it second hand.” Dee teased the other woman. She knew the kiss had been something in the spur of a moment, and decided that levity was the best answer in the current situation.

Eilian blushed fiercely with embarrassment and gave Dee’s shoulder a playful hit. She knew better than to actually try and hurt the physically much stronger Dee. She decided to retaliate another way. “You still owe me a painting. Come to think of it, you only promised to model for me and failed to specify how many times. You also said in any clothes, or lack thereof, I wanted.”

“Keep it in moderation.” Dee replied with a small smirk. If Eilian wanted to play, then she was game. “You aren’t the only one capable of re-interpreting what I said. I also didn’t specify when I would do it, or for how long. I might decide a second in a hundred years from now might be appropriate if you get too out of hand.”

“What now?” Eilian asked more seriously.

“Now? We wait for the smiths to gather and take them and your parents to the Five Winds. And then we will never return. At least that’s the plan.” Dee said simply. “You might decide to visit as a Sidhe if you want to. I don’t know what kind of fond feelings you have of the forest.”

“Not that fond actually. I’m happier with my new situation, and unlike the Seelie and the elves, we Unseelie are less interested in the forest.” Eilian replied lightly. “But I might visit one day. Who can say for sure? I might even drag you along if you aren’t too dead set against it.”


The representatives of Five Winds were rather pleased with Dee’s success. They had already acquired the services of the dwarves and Saurians, but Dee’s mission to the Sidhe had been one of the most important, even if they didn’t mention anything to Dee about that fact. “Good work, will you go for the Lacademonians or the Mystic’s Guild next?” Amarog asked. “I can have Shunkaha go with you if you’re going for the Lacademonians next.

“I was thinking of combining the two anyway.” Dee replied with a small sigh. “The grandmaster will be able to connect me with the right people in the Mystic’s Guild, and he likely can also point us where I can find Cynisca. I’m not sure what the point of bringing Shunkaha along is?” She had become something resembling friends with the Lacademonian girl during the training, but they had lost touch when Razark and the old man had taken over Dee’s training.

“He has been looking into the Lacademonians while you’ve been busy elsewhere. Also, you kind of vanished during your training and I hear the girl didn’t take well to her rival disappearing. It might be better if he comes along.” Amarog replied with a chuckle. By now he had given up on his son courting Dee, but it still felt like a missed opportunity.

“Fine, fine. He’s not getting a ride though.” Dee replied a little displeased. They would just have to take the slower portals this time. He certainly wasn’t going to get on the back of her dragon form.

“…ride? What..?” Amarog asked in slight confusion.

“Forget it.” Dee waved it away, not deigning to explain.

“I’m guessing the painting will have to wait a bit?” Eilian asked as she saw Dee exit the building where the representatives met.

“For now. This shouldn’t take too long though. Surely dealing with the Mystic’s Guild and Lacademonians can’t be more difficult than going back to the elven forest and your sister, right?” Dee replied lightly.

“I’m eagerly waiting for your return then.” Eilian replied with a slightly wicked expression. She already had several dresses in mind for Dee to pose in.
