”What can I get you, honey? You’re the one getting free everything tonight, right?” The unnaturally pretty bartender witch asked as Dee got to the bar portion of the den. This witch apparently was more in the “small and adorable makes the cutest” camp, instead of the “overly sexy” camp that most of the other witches ascribed to. She wasn’t the only one of her kind by a long shot though.
“Give me the strongest thing you’ve got.” Dee decided to take the advice given by the more mature witch that had examined her.
“The strongest? Are you sure? That stuff can get pretty dicey.” The bartender asked just to make sure.
“That’s what the doctor witch recommended.” Dee replied simply.
“Ah, if master said strongest, then strongest it is.” The witch bent to pick something out of a spatial pocket below the counter. On a certain level, Dee registered that the view offered was rather enticing. Maybe that was why people kept staring at her own butt? Even in a place like the den there was a wave of glances directed her way as she passed.
Normally the drinks and various substances were mixed by the bartenders, but this one was hard enough to make that it had to be made in advance and kept in storage. The bartender witch pulled out a small potion bottle of something that was bubbling and glowing bright blue and placed it in front of Dee on the counter. “Well, give it a shot. We can get something a little milder if that one is too much.”
Dee looked at the bottle with some suspicion but decided to go with it. She took the bottle and emptied it in one motion. “Oi-oi. Slow down a bit. That’s not supposed to be emptied in one swig.” The bartender warned her all too late.
The liquid burned a little as it went down her throat, but nothing she couldn’t handle. She waited a moment for the drink to take effect. One of the advantages of having the kind of power she did was the ability to monitor changes in her body. As expected the substance had quite a kick to it, but there was a slight problem. The same problem as she’d had when she’d gone through the rituals to get blessed when the holy wine had very little effect. Her rapid regeneration was countering the effect of the liquid that it considered hostile very quickly. Although this stuff was thousands of times stronger than that holy wine, so was her current constitution when compared to her old self. That was the result of consuming the Tree of Life and her Domain bleeding in.
Still, it was having some effect, and she could tamp down on her regeneration to some degree. “Right, give me seven more.” She ordered the bartender.
“S-seven?!” The bartender sputtered. There were some immortals with a very heavy constitution that could match the demon girl in front of her, but those people had usually been immortal for a long, long time giving their soul spaces the time to develop.
“Yeah, seven to start with. Also, someone mentioned mood enhancers. Give me a couple of those.” Dee added to her order.
“To start with?” The bartender muttered to herself but did as told. Luckily the drink was not one of the more expensive ones. It required some rare ingredients, but the witches were very adept in growing the plants and their base in the first circle was swimming with such materials.
“What are you having?” Nyx asked as the rest of them walked towards the bar. “That blue stuff? Yuck! I tried it once and it tastes and feels like acid when going down.”
The rest of the group had taken more time dressing up. The witch dressing Dee had quickly come to the conclusion that the less she wore the better, because she could easily show off her assets and had fur anyway. So she was dressed rather simply in a pair mini shorts and a simple top in the same color as her fur, giving the illusion that she was almost naked. Dee rather liked the clothes, as the shorts left her tails free, and she’d long preferred simple clothing like this anyway. The others were wearing various assemblages ranging from cute with Moirai and Nyx to scandalously sexy with Nessera. The succubus’ clothes were deceptive in that they covered most places, but they moved a lot and the large openings left very little to the imagination. Shioko had gone with something more elegant than sexy.
“Oh, my favorite!” Shioko gushed and turned to the bartender. “I’ll have the same she’s having.”
“….seven of them as well?” The bartender asked warily.
“Seven?” Shioko asked with slight surprise. “Oh, you can start with five.”
“Again ‘start with’.” The bartender muttered.
“I never understood how you can drink something like that.” Nyx looked at Shioko in judgment.
“It’s not my fault my totem renders anything less almost useless.” Shioko defended herself, as the rest of them were getting their drinks. Meanwhile, Dee had already emptied the third such vial and was now trying the ‘mood enhancers’. She judged them to be some sort of drugs that increased one's energy and mood levels while lowering inhibitions. Rather strong ones in fact as they worked much better than the earlier drink. The witches knew their stuff.
With their beverages secured the group moved towards the other activities. They passed the normal party area and entered the heavier party area mostly because Dee found the music there much more appealing, but also because Nyx wanted Moirai to have some fun. The heavier party area was dimmed down with red flashing lights and was suffused with a rhythmic song with heavy, almost primal tones. The music was produced by a group of warlocks beating on drums of various sizes and shapes and the beat was almost hypnotic.
Dee saw no rhyme or reason to the way the dancers moved, and it confused her. It was almost animalistic in how they moved to the music and rubbed against each other. The dancers were only expressing their own desires and feelings instead of following some preset steps or patterns, aside from the rhythm of the music and even that was often forgotten. For some reason, it appealed to her, and she wanted to try. The rest of the group wanted to find some seating first and took Dee’s drinks into safekeeping while she moved to the dance floor and found a relatively empty spot.
At first, her movements were a bit mechanical as she tried expressing something, but it didn’t take long until she just allowed the music to take her along with the beat. Unknown to herself she made a very appealing sight, a clearly bestial woman moving to her instincts. Yet at the same time, she was very graceful. She couldn’t help but be graceful, as that kind of movement was drilled into her by several trainers and her choice of a fighting style.
“Look at her go!” Nyx yelled over the music.
“She’s really letting loose.” Moirai muttered with some surprise. She’d heard of Dee’s unsuccessful attempts at ritualistic dancing but had not heard of her success at the Winter court dancefloor, so it came as something of a surprise. It wasn’t that Dee was bad at dancing; it was just that in her attempt at ritualistic dancing she had been too absorbed in trying to mimic the right movements without any of the emotions behind them. In the Winter court she had brought emotion to the dance because of her partner, and now she was letting her instincts guide her and was not thinking of the steps at all.
Inevitably she drew attention. Just her tails made sure of that with the spectacle they were making moving around. It was not every day you saw a nine-tailed fox. The area was a common place for quick hookups, and while her more feral features did not appeal to everyone, there were enough people either attracted to her or feeling adventurous. Unfortunately, the first person to try and get close to her picked the wrong approach. A male avian beastman approached her and reached towards her behind to give an appreciative caress. His hand was frozen in the air just centimels from Dee’s quickly moving derriere. Despite his attempts, the hand couldn’t move forward or backward, and he felt like there was a pair of powerful invisible hands holding the hand in place, which was not far from the truth.
The beastman was not weak himself and tried to struggle, but his struggles were to no avail. Slowly but surely everyone saw that same hand move towards his own privates and close around them. Then the hand very slowly squeezed a little but stopped before doing too much. The message was clear. Whatever force had controlled him could have squeezed much harder, but was letting him off easy. He got the message and drew away thankful that his target was not meaner with the message. As focused as Dee was on her dancing, she had not forgotten the instructions given to her. No fighting. Deny unwanted advances firmly, but don’t go overboard.
“Well, to me it seems like she wants company.” Nessera suddenly said and jumped towards the dancefloor.
“How did that give you the impression she wants company?” Moirai asked incredulously. She knew that Dee would not mind company she knew beforehand, but the message had been anything but welcoming.
The entry of a succubus clearly added a more erotic tone to the dance performed by the two, as they were for all intents and purposes transitioning from dancing to foreplay as the music went on. Rather rough foreplay at that, as Dee used a bit of force with the succubus, and the succubus clearly enjoyed it.
Nyx had developed a clearly hungry look in her eyes. Something which Moirai noticed. “No mother. You’re not jumping the bones of my disciple. That’s unethical on so many levels. Besides being gross that is.”
“Well, I don’t suffer from that problem.” Shioko suddenly announced after emptying her last drink and quickly going towards the dancing pair.
“Dammit, why is everyone so eager to jump their bones?!” Moirai cursed.
“Ah, you were still fitting for your clothes so you didn’t hear about it. I heard that it would not be the first time Dee and the succubus got together, and last time the succubus was defeated. So, you got a chance to have a go at a succubus and someone who fucked a succubus silly. That’s pretty enticing.” Nyx pointed out.
“I already knew about it. Who do you think found the two in the morning?!” Moirai screamed.
“Then you should be aware. Come now. We can’t all be as decent as you. I haven’t had much fun since your dad died. I need my world rocked. And so do you if I’m honest. If Dee and a succubus are not your thing, then that’s fair. I can’t imagine why not, but that’s your choice. Just don’t fault others for making a different choice.” Nyx explained her own point of view.
The mood between the three dancers was clearly heating up, and the others noticed. As they made a very enticing sight, a few brave men made their own approach but met a fate similar to the earlier avian beastman. The severity of their sendoff was proportional to the stupidity of their approach, but none of them was stupid enough to get handsy after the first warning message had been sent. The stalemate was broken when the witch that had done the test for Dee earlier entered the room.
She had come to see how her patient was taking the news. Apparently pretty well, it seemed. She came just in time to see another unfortunate male get sent off, a warlock of the den this time. This removed the idea that the approaching men were not good looking enough, as the warlock had been a good representation of the den’s ideals. That gave the witch an idea. The trio was clearly made of just women, so maybe the problem was not the fact that they didn’t want anyone to approach, but that the only people to approach had been the wrong gender?
The witch didn’t mind having some fun, none of them really did which is why they worked in the dens. Many of them didn’t even truly care about the gender of the person they were having fun with. There were other witches in the Coven more focused on battle and other such nonsense, while the fun-loving ones worked in the dens. She shimmied closer to the dancing trio and met no resistance. “Well, hello there. I forgot to introduce myself the last time we met. You can call me Orchid.”
Dee felt a little weird that the witch that had just given the news of her infertility joined in a dance that was clearly headed in a very sexual direction but decided to shrug it off. Orchid was not at fault, she was just the bearer of bad news. Might as well bring something good to balance things out. Besides, it might be interesting to see if she could learn new things from a witch of the Coven. The addition of the witch into the mix made it clear that this was a girls only party, which bummed out the guys but gave certain ideas to the women that were so inclined.
It didn’t take long before Nessera had enough of the teasing and pulled Dee towards one of the side rooms dedicated for more pleasurable activities. At this point, Dee had teased the succubus long enough that she didn’t mind which form Dee was taking. Clothes were strewn across the hallway on the way to the room and neither of them really cared who saw them. Nessera pushed Dee on the large bed inside the room and planted herself above Dee’s face with a clear message. “You got me going, now get me off.”
Dee had learned a few things from their last tryst and knew that anticipation and delayed gratification would drive the succubus crazy, but in a good way. Instead of diving in Dee planted small butterfly kisses all over the area without touching any of the really sensitive parts, while using her four hands to caress Nessera all over. The succubus was small enough that Dee had enough reach to get to most of the interesting places.
Her plans got interrupted and she gave a surprised yelp as she felt someone else plant their lips on her nether regions. A quick glance identified that someone as Shioko, who had followed them into the room with Orchid. The witch was doing her part in caressing the Jun woman in turn. Dee decided to dedicate to her own task. If someone else was making her feel good in the meantime, then all the better.
As she finally decided to give Nessera some much-needed relief, she considered for a moment whether her snout was small enough to fit inside the succubus, but finally decided against it. If she had been a pure fox her snout would have been much narrower, but with her more wolfy heritage, her snout was also sturdier. Besides, the very fine fur might rub the really sensitive parts the wrong way. She also had the advantage of a really long and strong tongue that did just as good of a job, as evidenced by the very gratifying gasps and hollers made by the succubus.
As soon as the succubus had gotten her first release, Dee decided it was time to pay some attention to her other bedmates. Shioko had just managed to bring her to a very pleasant if a rather small orgasm with her persistent efforts, so she should really pay the favor back. Oddly as she was doing so, she somehow got the impression that she didn’t have enough hands to go around with the bed so crowded, as she wanted to caress and nip, pet and twist everything on all three of the women present. Then it hit her. She did have more hands!
Nessera managed to squeak out. “Why is one of your halos out?” As the metallic halo created for better control suddenly appeared above her head and hundreds of invisible arms suddenly appeared to do Dee’s bidding. It became something of a game to see how many she could control at once, and how much pleasure she could bring with them.
The real breakthrough came when the witch Orchid gave her a gasped suggestion between orgasms. “You’re a psion, right? How about sending pleasure straight into the minds of others. You don’t really have to go through their defenses to just send feelings, and most people won’t resist something that brings them pleasure. At that point, you can just use your mind to bring about whatever you want in them.”
After Dee tried implementing that little trick, her partners found whole new levels of pleasure. So much so in fact that they were soon worn out, even Nessera who had managed to stick around much longer the last time. This time the succubus had become a babbling incoherent mess rather quickly. Succubi had very vivid imaginations and Dee had only needed to feed that imagination a bit and make it come alive. People always had the best idea on how their own fantasies worked, so all she needed to do was give them a little push and a lot of stimulation to get things going.
Luckily their merry-making had drawn some attention and they had forgotten to close the door to their little love nest. There was no shortage of volunteers to test Dee’s newfound abilities and with the additional push from the drinks and mood enhancers, Dee had the mind to experiment further. This new combination was rather intriguing and gave her a weird kind of power over people. It wasn’t until Nyx managed to escape from Moirai’s grasp and join in on the festivities that Dee met her match. The older Meilin showed that two psions could play the same game, and the results were glorious for everyone involved.
Moirai was not sure how to feel about things. Once she had lost sight of her mother, she had known something like this would happen. In the end, though, the sheer devastation of the female population of this part of the den made her mother’s involvement a rather minor detail. As she looked around, she could see naked female bodies covering the floor on the way to the love nest occupied by her friends. She had felt some of the psionic waves coming from their little games but had not realized how far things had escalated.
She herself had decided not to get involved and found a rather innocent concoction that allowed her to relive some of her more pleasant memories in vivid detail. As she had been isolated and put to sleep by the concoction, she had not fallen victim to the same psionic waves most of the people in the ‘heavy party’ section had. The witch that had given Dee the idea about using her psionic abilities to enhance pleasure had not considered what would happen when two psions, both either immortal or just about to become one, combined and mirrored their psionic powers off each other. At best of times psions could affect the mood around them just by letting their own mood radiate out, so what happened when two very powerful psions really put their mind to it? The result was the trail of female bodies now lying naked on the floor with rather gratified smiles on their faces. There were a few males on the very edges as well, as some of the more straight women had decided to combine their little psionic adventure with a male companion.
Moirai gingerly picked her footing as she made her way towards her companions. She was not surprised at all to find the rest of her group in a puppy pile on the bed. She was also not surprised finding Nyx mixed among them, but at this point, she had already resigned herself to the sight. At least it seemed Nyx had been a late arrival and the others probably fainted long before she got involved. The only one to react to her approach was of course Dee.
The chemicals had long since been burnt away by her regeneration and she was becoming alert, so Dee could sense Moirai’s approach. She bolted into a sitting position, pushing away Nyx’s soft tail from her lap, and looked around her. Her memory was slightly hazy from last night, but in general, she remembered all that happened even if the details were a bit fuzzy. “You seem to have had an interesting night.” Moirai stated flatly.
“So it seems.” Dee replied lightly. Once she had decided to no longer be under the thumb of others, one of the things she stopped really caring about was the acceptance of others. She would do what she wanted, and if others had a problem with that…well that was their problem. She’d accommodate her friends of course, but she would not feel bad if they disapproved of something she had done. “I’m assuming your presence here means it’s time to leave?”
“Well, provided you don’t want to go for a round two?” Moirai asked with a rather barbed tone. She wasn’t really angry with Dee. She was more ticked at Nyx for multiple reasons, but Dee was here and awake so she got the brunt of it.
“No, I think last night was good enough. We might want to do a repeat performance at a later date, but this isn’t really something that should be done too often. Takes some of the excitement out of it.” Dee replied with a smile. There would be a repeat performance at some point though.
“Well kick the others awake then. No need to be gentle with Nyx.” Moirai said while turning around and going outside.
As they came out Shioko and Nyx looked rather happy and refreshed while Nessera was still asleep and getting carried around by the still naked Dee, who was covering herself with her tails. “Why are you naked?” Moirai asked in confusion.
“I think my clothes met with an unfortunate accident somewhere along the way. Well, they were on loan from the den and Orchid did say everything last night was free for me, so…” Dee replied a little embarrassed.
As the group got their own clothes back and headed home, Nyx requested Dee to make a portal for them. “I don’t feel like waiting in line for the official portals. At this time of day and at this place there will be long lines and we most likely won’t be able to skip those lines considering where we are.”
Dee obliged. Her portals were reaching the level of accuracy that they might not even need to take a second portal to get to their real destination. However, things suddenly took a weird turn after they had gotten about halfway through their trip in the Astral Sea. They felt that their movement got slower and a large shape that looked like a ship suddenly appeared nearby. Calling it a ship felt a little wrong considering it was several kilomels long, but the shape was still roughly that of a sailing ship.
“You said there might be other beings in here, but is this the first time you actually meet some? Also am I the only one that finds it strangely appropriate to see a sailing ship in the Astral Sea?” Moirai asked a little worried and amused at the same time.
“Yes. I’ve felt someone or something observing me a few times, but this is the first time something approached me.” Dee replied equally worried, ignoring the last part of Moirai’s words. The enormous ship moved much faster than them and with their progress slowed down they would not be able to run either.
Nessera, who had finally awoken, suddenly made a worrying observation. “My magic doesn’t work. My mana gathers as normal, but it doesn’t form into a spell.”
Shioko immediately tested her own magic and came to a similar conclusion. “Same here. My totem still works, but my spells do nothing.”
“So I’m guessing the crew of that thing isn’t friendly.” Nyx pointed out the obvious conclusion.
Moirai looked at the ship with her Mindscape. “All the people on board are either warriors or psions. Since warriors would not be able to reach this place on their own, I’m guessing most people that come here are mages. It seems to be that the ship is designed to hunt and catch such mages. By the way, judging by their presences in the Mindscape, their levels are a fairly normal mix of beings below immortal level.”
“Well, how unfortunate for them.” Nyx said with a wicked grin forming on her face.
“What are the odds of them running into three powerful psions and a mage with a totem suited for such situations.” Shioko added with a grin of her own before her form started enlarging and turning into glowing green diamond-like substance. As her transformation finished, she looked like a hundred mel tall golem made of carved emerald.
“An earth mage?” Dee asked a little surprised. She had not pegged the elegant Jun as an earth mage.
Nyx scoffed in derision. “Much worse. A jewel mage. Earth mages are the starting point while the earth she uses has already hardened to the level of gems.” She wasn’t fond of her friend’s attraction to jewels, as that was really the only reason the Jun woman had dedicated herself to earth magic. Shioko also happened to be the richest person in the entire Four Winds and also the one in charge of their funds.
“Well then. Shall we go and welcome our new guests. We really should show them our generosity considering they are the first beings we met in this weird place.” Moirai said rather militantly. This was a good way for her to vent some of the feelings from this morning.