Admiral Connolly looked up from his data pad and scanned the conference room. A sense of pride bubbled up in him as he saw it filled with men and women he had personally chosen to be the leaders of the Andromeda Expedition Fleet. Officers were moving to their seats, and screens along the walls were being connected to the captains on the various deployed ships unable to make the briefing in person. The absences were all corvette and destroyer captains on patrol. Once everyone was seated and the connections established, he began.

“I hope all of you have been taking advantage of the facilities here on Sanctuary. For those deployed to protecting the Spacelift corridor, I am sorry we couldn’t have you here in person. I have been working with my staff to get a rotation schedule for getting you and your crews some R and R.”

A voice from one of the view screens on his left piped up, “Admiral, we went for far longer deployments in the war before getting time off. We can handle it.”

Connolly smiled slightly and looked at the screen. It was Captain Richter of the Leopard. Her short blond hair had been styled into little spikes today. Over the course of the war she had become a master of staying inside the technical regulations for dress code while taking it right to the edge in the name of personal expression. She didn’t fit exactly into the image of what a captain ought to be, but she was one of the best destroyer skippers he had ever worked with. She was aggressive and cunning as a fox in battle. Despite the concerns from the brass back home, he insisted she be part of the expedition if he could get her. She said yes, and with what was in front of them now he was immensely glad she did.

Nodding to her, he said, “I don’t doubt for a second that all of you and your crews could handle extended deployment like we all did in the war. We are facing something very different right now though. Unlike that theatre of operation, we are facing impossible logistical lines for certain key resources. Sanctuary Station can do a lot, but it can’t get us new ships or crews out here. We can’t just take a week or two off at home to visit family, or sit on a beach. We don’t have the same emergency valve, so to speak, to relieve the pressure on our people. We need to be highly proactive in maintaining mental and physical wellbeing. In this case, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Captain Knight of the Salvation spoke up, her speech enlightened by a crisp accent betraying her upbringing in the southern portion of the British Isles, “What about some shore leave planetside, Sir?”

Connolly smiled at her and replied, “I have had some teams scouting possible locations for such activities on the two worlds we have been interacting with. As a side note, I am sure many of you will be pleased to know I was just informed before this meeting that the Galactic Council has finally approved their official designations. Through research of a mostly intact historical data core, we have discovered the Sisters’ home planet was called Memia by their creators. The planet occupied by the Treshians has quite simply been named Treshia. That should make filling out reports much easier.”


A low collection of approving sounds rumbled around the room for a moment then died out before Connolly continued.

“That has also led to an official designation for the ongoing emergency supply operations we have been involved in. It has been titled, ‘The Treshian Spacelift.’ Many of you that paid attention in Military History class back at the Academy will no doubt note its nomenclature has certain similarities to a rather significant operation undertaken after the Second World War on Earth.”

Looking at his data pad, he reported, “Currently the food distribution is supplying forty-one percent of expected need. At those levels it means nobody is starving to death, but we are not giving them enough to thrive.”

Captain Leung of the light cruiser Eagle asked, “Sir, isn’t that down from last week? I thought we were at forty-seven percent and expecting to get up over half by now. Was the incident in the Andromeda Four nebula that damaging to our supply chain?”

Connolly looked up and with a wave of his hand a hologram of Treshia appeared above the center of the table. On it were small splotches of green indicating farming and settlement locations. On the southern continent, a series of yellow areas appeared.

“No, it wasn’t the cargo fleet we lost in the A4. It’s because of the additional encampments on the southern continent. They were in pretty rough shape until one of their children, a girl no older than eleven named Kinsa, came wandering into a relief camp. It’s her image that you have no doubt seen being passed around on the ships of the relief crews. We have modified the numbers to account for the additional requirements.”


Around the room somber faces clouded the countenances of the battle hardened veterans. Fighting and death in war were known to all of them, but mistakes leading to starving civilians were particularly hard to face for honorable warriors.

Captain Leung tapped a few things on his data pad and stated, “I hoped the addition of the navigators recently arrived from the Milky Way would have made a bigger dent than that.”

Connolly looked up from his own tablet at the younger man and offered, “We were all hoping they would. Objectively, they have made an immense difference. At this point the bottleneck is the freighters themselves. The Sisters are incredibly productive, but they made a case to divert some of their materials and industrial capacity to another project and their argument was convincing both to me and the Council back home. We will get to that in a moment.”

Looking back down at his pad then around the room, he asked, “Are there any further questions regarding the relief efforts?”

None of them responded, so Connolly poked at the pad and a new image appeared in the room. This one showed the Sisters’ home world.

“The primary diversion of resources impacting the construction of more freighters is the establishment of a planetary defense perimeter around Memia. While it’s a hard thing to know people are going hungry, I and the brass back home have recognized that we are overextended and in need of a fortified beachhead in this galaxy. Despite our original plans, Sanctuary isn’t up to the task. This station, for all its fleet tending capabilities and resources, was never designed as a fortified position with which to conduct offensive and defensive operations. Perhaps more importantly, it is staffed presently by non-combatant civilians. The Sisters had already concluded that our vulnerability was unacceptable to them, and independently approached us with the suggestion of fortifying their home world. That is where the resources have been diverted.”

The Admiral flicked his hand up rtom the pad and a more detailed analysis of the various components of the ongoing efforts became highlighted as he spoke.

“We are expecting the completion of the torpedo launchers and planetary defense laser cannons with their associated power stations by the end of the week. The Sisters have seeded a 1.4 Light second area around the planet with QE-COM enabled detection and redirection satellites. They plan to make a perimeter of them out to approximately 5 light minutes. I personally think that is a bit excessive, but it’s their system. They made the call.”

Captain Abioye declared with his rich South African accent, “They are building a better planetary defense infrastructure than we have on Earth with all those splitters, and they have made it in a fraction of the time. How is that possible? Did we bring along enough attuned quantum crystals for all that QE-COM traffic to be routed through the Milky Way network? I mean, that defense grid alone would require at least ten QE-COM hubs back on Earth.”

Connolly looked at him in the monitor and with a slight smile said, “We didn’t bring along nearly enough attuned crystals for this, no. By early calculations, we would need at least twenty fully operational hubs, and each hub would have to be maxed out. They are building their own QE-COM network that will have key links to our hubs back home for tactical integration. To answer your question about how it’s possible, I would remind you they don’t sleep, have a massive population of worker drones, and hundreds of years of materials stockpiled for use. If you really want your mind blown, Captain, look at this.”

Connolly tapped the pad in front of him and the construction sites for the Memian defense grid appeared on the hologram above them. There were a huge number of locations dotting the world.

“It’s not just the splitters. They are deploying twice as many defense cannons and torpedo launchers as anywhere we have back home in the Milky Way, with additional fortress stations at strategically important locations in the system.”

A stunned silence rested over the room as the realization sunk in that Memia was soon to be, in all likelihood, the most fortified planet in two galaxies.

Breaking the stillness, the familiar image of Redeemer appeared next to the Admiral and said, “If I may, Admiral?”

“By all means, Red.”

She addressed the room, “When we were first discussing it among the Sisters, we set your safety and security as our highest priority. This plan was agreed upon nearly unanimously, with the only dissenting voices speaking in favor of greater measures. It is our goal to provide a fortified position in the Andromeda Galaxy for your continued operations. We are compelled to take these steps to ensure your wellbeing.”

Turning her image to Connolly, she said, “Thank you for allowing me to address the assembly, Admiral.”

“Of course.”

With that, her image bowed slightly to the room and faded away.

A voice from the far end of the table said, “Cool.”

Connolly agreed, “Cool indeed.”

Captain Washington of the cruiser Mako spoke up, his deep bass voice resonating around the room, “Did we get some intelligence indicating the Goons pose a greater threat than we understood before? I am all for having a fortress system to fall back to, but did something specific precipitate this?”

The Admiral looked over at him and responded, “Not exactly. I think at this point it is appropriate to loop in our intelligence arm into the briefing. I believe the majority of you know Agent John Smith.”

A sleek man in an unassumingly plain uniform stood up out of a chair along the wall. A few people started, having not noticed him sitting there before this moment. Those that hadn’t had direct previous dealings with him looked slightly concerned. Those that had smiled and nodded to him as his ever-active gaze passed over them.

One of the Corvette captains on a wall screen asked, “We have Military Intelligence personnel on this mission, Sir?”

The intelligence branch was never something the rest of the military ever felt entirely comfortable around, especially when it took the form of an Agent. The general impression across the various services was that they were without a question part of the team and solidly among the, “Good guys.” How they got such detailed information on the enemy was nearly mythical and more than a little spooky, however. Their branch was the kind of thing officers often spoke about to one another in whispered tones of disbelief or reverence, sometimes both. This seemed to be a reputation the Intelligence community appreciated, and possibly even fostered.

A slight hint of amusement almost imperceptibly pulled up one corner of Connolly’s mouth before he drew the attention back to himself by stating, “For those of you that don’t know, Agent Smith was and is a trusted advisor to Fleet Admiral Shoji. The Old Man trusts him, and so do I.”

What Chesty Puller is to the Marines, Fleet Admiral Shoji is to the men and women of the fleet. Upon the mention that he trusted this man, any lingering tension in the room was dispelled instantly.

Connolly gave a relaxed gesture invited him to take the floor, “Agent Smith, would you please brief us on your recent discussions with the captured Jergoon officer?”

“Certainly, Admiral,” the man said as he took his place at the conference table.

With no preamble Smith began, “From what we have been able to ascertain, the primary tenant of Jergoon society is a belief that, in the words of those ancient Athenian generals, ‘The strong do as they please, and the weak suffer what they must.’ Personal strength is paramount to their society, and weakness is not tolerated.

This has led to a fractured collection of social groups like clans, or likely more accurately cartels. While we theorize it couldn’t have always been the case, at some point in their development their species adopted an ideology scarcely more complex than simple survival of the fittest. The personal strength of an individual, or in some rare cases their cunning, is the primary factor in determining where in the Jergoon hierarchy they will end up. Those that are weak, if they survive, are relegated to menial or hazardous tasks that stand a good chance of removing them and their individual weakness from the gene pool.

There is no single faction that holds obvious supremacy over the others. As such, there is no species-wide leadership structure for us to work with. Any ongoing diplomatic efforts will be inherently limited in their effects to the individual group or groups we make agreements with.”

A pad appeared in Smiths hands from, somewhere, and he tapped it a few times. General information including the names of factions, what they were known for, and the like appeared in a slow reader board style hologram.

He continued, “There are currently eight major factions in what could loosely be considered Jergoon space. Of these eight, we have had dealings with two so far.

The first ship we made contact with was a member of the Forbidden Keepers group. They are quite an outlier, and unique for many reasons among the greater Jergoon society. Their clan was nearly destroyed four centuries ago after their failed attempt to subjugate Memia. The conflict itself was a disaster from their perspective, and the following weakening of their power base and constant conflicts with other clans nearly did them in. Fueled by firsthand reports and video of a terrifying enemy on the planet, they negotiated away most of their territory and took on the role of enforcers of a newly established planetary quarantine.

Ultimately, they are a small group that has little influence and strength compared to the others, and it was their task to maintain the quarantine of Memia.”

A voice across the table jovially interjected, “Oops,” followed by a slight rumble of amusement throughout the room.

Smith looked directly at the captain with a possibly practiced smile of amicability, “Oops indeed. In one move we undermined more than we could have expected. With the original agreement, the other cartels considered them custodians performing a valuable service, and therefore immune from aggressive actions. Within 50 or so years of the bombardment of Memia, they began offering highly advanced military software unlike anything seen before. The combination of being the quarantine enforcers and sole providers of advanced combat software has cemented them into a privileged status.”

One of the Corvette captains on a wall screen asked, “What kind of software are we talking about here?”

Smith answered, “They are the manufacturers of the artificial intelligence program that nearly took over the Redeemer. Our new Jergoon friend has been quite clear that the level of technical expertise to do so is unique among the factions.

Now, three centuries later, it’s unknown whether or not either of these offerings alone is sufficient for them to maintain their neutral status. It seems clear, however, that it is in their best interests to not let anyone find out about either of the conditions no longer being in effect.”

This time it was Connolly who asked a question, “We know from their perspective Memia has clearly been compromised, but do we have reason to believe their AI production has been impacted as well?”

Smith turned to him and responded, “Not specifically, no. It is clear, however, that the AI’s they produce are fundamentally inferior to the Sisters and their abilities.”

The disembodied voice of Redeemer filled the room, “Without question.”

Smith continued on without missing a beat, “If it were to become generally known that not only had they failed to contain the Sisters on Memia, but that their AI’s were also severely outclassed, it’s reasonable to conclude it wouldn’t be long before they were attacked by a competing group. All they had to hold the wolves at bay, as it were, rested on the combination of both benefits they provided. Sessk says they have been steadily decreasing in influence and power in recent years as questions have arisen regarding the reality of the threat they are supposedly protecting everyone from. It is unclear if their ability to provide military software is sufficient to keep interested parties from making a new status quo.”

Captain Knight spoke up again, “So, it’s just a matter of time before someone tries?”

Smith shrugged, “Our only intelligence source on it has indicated he was unaware of the breach of the system quarantine before we captured their ship. The knowledge that the Sisters, or, “Forbidden,” as the Jergoon refer to them, is either being kept a secret or is actually not commonly known. Right now we feel like the odds are good they are keeping it quiet and pulling back to whatever systems they have to see how things turn out with us entering the scene.

We have compiled as detailed a report as possible given the available information. I’m happy to entertain further questions, but with these major points covered most other answers we could offer would be conjecture. Were there any further questions?”

The room was silent as Smith looked around.

He continued, “Okay, on to the second faction then.”

Pulling out a pad, he poked at it and a three-dimensional image of the local galactic region appeared. In slight rose tint, a huge interstellar shape akin to a sea urchin formed. It was not a gently curving, regular, blob-like shape they had all grown to expect from the various species territories in the Milky Way. It had a central cluster of stars and then the borders shot out needle thin, ending in specific systems.

“As you can see,” Smith explained, “The spheres of influence of these groups are not generally about holding territory. They are far more concerned with specific systems that provide the greatest benefit to them. Worlds that are not suited to their needs are considered a waste of resources to take, let alone hold. Interest in a system for reasons like scientific study or potential terraforming are incomprehensible. They are far too busy maintaining their current holdings or seeking to take possessions out of their rivals’ hands to practically pursue any other options.

This second cartel, the one our guest was a part of, has at its core the production and distribution of Trisk. It is a moderately addictive narcotic especially compatible with the Jergoon metabolism.”

“So they’re Drug dealers then?” the Admiral asked, “Wouldn’t the associated dependency be seen as undermining their strength?”

Smith turned his face toward the Connolly and responded, “In theory, yes. In practice, the addictive properties are considered so mild that the issue is sidestepped. The Jergoon have a sort of, ‘I can quit any time I want to, but I don’t want to,’ kind of attitude with the stuff. While there are some who don’t touch it, the general population among the various cartels sees it as a generally harmless pursuit. Our guest has inside knowledge having served in the Trisk Cartel and assures us that belief is wrong. It does hinder an individual significantly in the long run. That is of course not something they advertise. The people taking it generally refuse to admit it is affecting their strength in adverse ways.”

He continued on in a casual tone, “Considering what we have learned about Jergoon psychology, it’s actually quite a master stroke. Jergoon are constantly at war from the personal level up to the clan, or Cartel level. Everything is a struggle to gain more power, or at least weaken your adversaries. The Trisk Cartel has positioned itself over the years to gain resources from, while simultaneously weakening, all the other factions.”

The intelligence operative moved his pad and hands behind his back and asked, “Were there any additional questions?”

Captain Fernández of the Wolf spoke up, “Agent Smith, what kind of a hit was losing Treshia to the Trisk Cartel? With the ships they are losing, does your division think they will give up on it as a lost cause and cut their losses anytime soon?”

Smith looked down and shook his head and he responded, “No, I don’t think they will give up anytime soon for a couple reasons. The first is that the loss of their Treshian operation was a major hit to their production capabilities impacting their entire cartel. Odds are they have bounties on us and our ships not only to their own members but those of the other factions as well. The second reason is related to the first. The amount of wealth any individual or group could get from retaking the resource and revenue stream is far too tempting to the whole body of Jergoon. Everyone will want to take a crack at it. Based on my conversations with the defector, he believes we can expect a rash of smaller attacks as less organized groups try their hand at the big prize. When that proves to be ineffectual, as it has so far, then we can expect larger and larger groups with increasing levels of coordination and logistical and strategic sophistication as bigger players enter the mix. Ultimately, Sessk says this planet represents a significant enough amount of wealth and power that it will eventually trigger an organized response from the entirety of the Trisk Cartel. If that is unsuccessful, loose treaties and affiliations will solidify into a species wide response as they will consider us an existential threat to their way of life, which we are.”

On hearing this, Commander Reyes, Commanding Officer of Sanctuary Station, asked, “Agent Smith, do we have an idea of the kind of numbers we are looking at when things begin to really escalate?”

He looked at her and solemnly nodded his head, “Yes, Commander. We expect the current levels of deployment against us to be the mere entry level of the conflict. Three ships here, five there, we can handle those numbers. The problem is when it gets up to the Cartel level we will be facing hundreds, or possibly even thousands of ships. If we beat that, we are dealing with that number of enemy craft multiplied by however many factions answer the call to repel a species level threat.”

There was a thoughtful silence in the room after Smith explained this, broken when Captain Lucy Knight of the Salvation asked, “So, Admiral, what’s the long game here? Based on this information the Jergoon aren’t going to just let this go. The longer we defend the Space Lift corridor and Treshia herself, the more we expose our people and assets to getting shot at. If what Agent Smith here said is accurate, and I have every reason to agree with his assessment, we are looking at a long term, protracted engagement. Even with a defensible location like the Sisters are building, and assuming they make a shipyard capable of churning out new ships for us, we are six months away from fresh recruits capable of manning them. We are already spreading our personnel resources dangerously thin. If they pull us into a war of attrition, we’ll lose.”

Jack Connolly let out a long breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. He stood up and walked around the table examining the various holographic displays from different angles. Only when he had made a complete circuit did he speak.

“I have been asking myself constantly if we did the wrong thing intervening in the way we did to help the Treshians. Militarily, I led us into a conflict with an enemy of unknown strength, on unknown territory, with an impossible to conceive of end game. I decided to turn our peaceful expedition into a force actively meddling with the peoples and systems we know little to nothing about. We didn’t come here for this, and I have had to ask myself if I did the right thing by liberating Treshia. Did I have the right to interpose our morals and ethics on an entire galaxy because it offended my sensibilities? Will History remember me as a brazen fool, or will it say I did the right thing?”

Tapping the pad he was carrying, the holographic images all dissolved away. A few more motions and the image of a little Treshian girl appeared. She was skinny for her kind, and in tattered, dirty clothing. It was Kinsa. Her image had become known in the fleet, and had helped the weary crews put a face on the people their long days of labor benefitted.

“Did I do the right thing?”

He looked around the room, and his face took on an adamantine hardness as he said in an intense but quiet voice, “Damn straight I did the right thing, and I stand by it. When circumstances such as these ask me if I will act, my answer has been, is, and will always be, yes. To my dying breath: yes.”

Nods of approval met him and more than a few of the collected officers exchanged understanding looks.

The Admiral continued, “By the end of the day the Memian Defense Network will be operational enough to repel ten times the level of resistance we have seen from the Jergoon forces yet encountered. By the end of the week it will be ten times that. When it is complete, there is no known force in two galaxies that will be able to stand against it.

I consider this position, even incomplete as it is, to be the most secure location we have available. As such, I am reassigning the fleet fallback point in case of QE-COM damage or failure to Memia rather than Sanctuary Station. I know we were originally going to keep Sanctuary the hub, but I don’t want to incentivize them to start looking for a hidden base of operations where our families are. To advance Sanctuary into Andromeda enough to make it a viable command node, it would increase the risk of its detection by orders of magnitude.”

One of the officers on the right side of the table, Captain Brown of the Goshawk, spoke up, “Admiral, since Memia is getting fortified to this extent, will we be redeploying the assets currently stationed for planetary defense to join the fast response destroyers and corvettes along the spacelift rout?”

“Yes and no,” Connolly responded, “Upon completion of the primary planetary bases on Memia, which should be by the end of the week, we will be reforming the fleet into two squadrons. The first will consist of the cruisers Redeemer, Mako, Eagle, and Goshawk, along with the destroyers Lynx, Cheetah, and Puma. The second squadron will consist of the Salvation, the remaining destroyers Serval and Leopard, and the six ships of our Corvette compliment.”

Connolly paused for a moment as the collected captains all digested his words. He smiled as he saw them quickly ascertain the reason for the fleet redeployment.

The deep bass voice of the Mako’s Captain Washington put words to what they were all thinking, “So, we’re taking it to the Goons, Sir?”

Connolly straightened up and looked his friend and fellow soldier, “That’s right, Captain. The brass and Council back home have decided we face an unacceptable risk and have authorized us to pursue open operations against the Jergoon. The Redeemer will be spearheading a strike force targeting their infrastructure and assets. The goal of these raids will be to distract them and force them to redeploy the bulk of their ships into defensive positions around key facilities. They will have to think twice before they commit any significant projection of power against our assets. This isn’t a perfect long term solution, but it should be enough to give the Spacelift some breathing room and deter larger attacks for a while.”

“Do we have a plan for when it gets there, Sir?” Captain Knight asked in the businesslike tone of a professional soldier.

“The brass back on Earth is working on that. My orders at this time are to do whatever is necessary to ensure the long term survival of the expedition. We have been in discussions regarding using the SLED, but that project is still facing significant technical issues. They may have some other solutions in the works, but they all need time.

Alternatively,” he went on, “We have been authorized to open diplomatic relations with any Jergoon captains or factions that are not hostile, or any other potential allies we may come across.”

“Clarification, Sir?” Richter asked through her screen.

“Yes, go ahead, Captain,” Connolly responded looking up at the image.

“Does that mean for those of us staying behind to defend the convoys that our orders are to attempt to communicate first?”

Connolly shook his head vigorously a few times, “No, not at all. This goes for all our forces: it is entirely up to the discretion of the officer in command whether or not to pursue communications with any Jergoon forces. Do not, however, misunderstand the intentions of this. If at any time you feel there is a risk to your ship or crew, you have me, the brass back home, and the entire Galactic Council of the Milky Way behind you if you feel you need to blast them into atoms. I leave it to you to make the announcements to your crews on the details of your new assignments.”

The Admiral looked around and said, “Well, that pretty much does it unless there are any further questions?”

Nobody spoke up.

“Well,” Connolly concluded, “You are dismissed. Let’s go make our preparations for war.”
